Monday, March 30, 2020

Profiles for Tutoring - How to Write a Profiling Story

Profiles for Tutoring - How to Write a Profiling StoryTo get a higher rating with potential tutors, you need to create a profile headline that makes the tutor wants to read your profile. You have to build credibility in order to create an impression of trustworthiness. To help your tutor choose your profile, you need to create a profile headline that can be read as believable by the tutor.By reviewing past tutors can help you decide on the headline for tutoring. Many times past tutors can provide details of previous experiences that you can include in your profile. By using past tutors as a basis, you can determine whether your profile will be believable to your tutor. You should also take into consideration how long you have been tutoring and the size of your school, if possible.Tutoring is not an easy profession and there is more than one thing to worry about. You need to keep your profile as professional as possible. Your profile needs to be eye catching so that your tutor can't m iss it. One way to do this is to use catchy headlines and highlights. People love to read long paragraphs with detailed descriptions and headlines so they stay interested in reading the rest of your profile.Also, it is important to be as specific as possible when talking about your achievements and what you offer. This will show your tutor how much they are getting in return for their service. If you offer testimonials from previous students, do not forget to include them in your profile headline for tutoring. Also, you can use your past teachers and references to help you create the headlines for tutoring.There are many ways to write a profile headline for tutoring. In general, your headline should make your tutor wants to read more about you. It should be interesting and catchy. If you are planning to offer testimonials, do not forget to include your tutor's name in the first three lines of your headline. Be as creative as possible with your headline so that it will catch the atte ntion of your tutors.List your achievements in your headline, make sure you also list your objectives so that your tutors can see your goals for them. It is very important to stay focused on your main objective and your tutor when writing your profile headline for tutoring. A good example of a good headline for tutoring is: 'Tutor'.Make sure you include your contact information and a resume or CV for your tutor. These should be highlighted in your profile headline for tutoring so that your tutor can see your tutor's work. Other tips for writing a good profile headline for tutoring are to use short sentences and short paragraphs. And of course you should emphasize on your tutor's services.Your profile headline for tutoring should show your tutors that you are confident, motivated, dedicated, and patient. By following these tips you can begin to build a successful and trustworthy tutoring relationship.

Friday, March 6, 2020


STUDY SMARTER Study Smarter 1:Memory StrategiesPassing exams has little to do with intelligence and more to do with the techniques you use. Passing exams relies on how good your memory is. You will learn7 keys to recalling facts, dates and ?concept show forgetting occurs andhow to ?rememberhow to structure your study time for ?maximum effectstudy tips for success… moreStudy Smarter 2:Understanding your learning styles There are 5 different learning styles when it comes to learning and study. You will learn…To identify the 5 learning stylehow to study according to your ?favourite style3 ways to keep active in class, without ?annoying the teacherthe 10 top brain foodsstudy tips for success… more?Study Smarter 3:Setting up an Effective Study EnvironmentLearn the powerful, yet simple little strategies to getting your study environment set up for success. You will learn…How to set up your environment for the fast recall of facts figures Where is the best place to study what kind of music to li sten tohow lighting effects your learning what time of the day to study study tips for success… moreStudy Smarter 4:? Goal setting for successSuccessful people are known to have a written set of goals that they read each day to keep them focused. This is true of successful students â€" they know what they want and have a plan to move forward. In this session you will learn…a 6 â€" step formula for setting successful goals why visualisation is a key part of success how to ‘chunk’ your goals into achievable steps?study tips for success… moreStudy Smarter 5:? Preparing for tests and exams?Discover some fun ideas to get yourself ready for an exam. You’ll learn…?what to do before, during and after your exam what to do if you can’t remember!using your textbooks to shorten your study time success strategies study tips for success… moreStudy Smarter 6:?Note taking for success?The purpose for note taking is to be able to recall and study the information at a later time. You ’ll learn…a step by step process to make notes memorable how to create effective mind maps develop a bank of pictures and symbols?how to take your notes into an exam â€" without cheating study tips for success… moreStudy Smarter 7:Speed ReadingSpent less time reading and more time doing what you want. You’ll learn…?7 ways to dramatically improve your comprehension at least double your reading speed with simple techniques?develop different techniques for different texts?study tips for success… more

Shanghai Chatfest 2 Practicing a Language

Shanghai Chatfest 2 Practicing a Language Our second Chatfest here in Shanghai was a success with people from at least 5 different countries joining us to practice languages and meet new people.   This time with a smaller group of people, there was more opportunity to get to know each other better and ample opportunities to speak foreign languages!   While Chinese and English were still the most popular, we also had people speaking or practicing Korean, Japanese, French, Spanish, German, and Italian. If you’re an italki member, and you think you’d like to organize a meetup in your city, please contact Toffler (at) italki (dot) com or visit the italki Member Events Group.   As always, let us know what you think â€" and keep on sharing languages and cultures! The team Shanghai Chatfest 2 Practicing a Language Our second Chatfest here in Shanghai was a success with people from at least 5 different countries joining us to practice languages and meet new people.   This time with a smaller group of people, there was more opportunity to get to know each other better and ample opportunities to speak foreign languages!   While Chinese and English were still the most popular, we also had people speaking or practicing Korean, Japanese, French, Spanish, German, and Italian. If you’re an italki member, and you think you’d like to organize a meetup in your city, please contact Toffler (at) italki (dot) com or visit the italki Member Events Group.   As always, let us know what you think â€" and keep on sharing languages and cultures! The team

Thursday, March 5, 2020

There is a Good Reason to Join a Embry Riddle Tutoring Center

There is a Good Reason to Join a Embry Riddle Tutoring CenterDo you think there is a good reason to enroll in an Embry Riddle Tutoring Center? Let's look at some of the benefits that these centers have to offer. The answer to the question should you join one of these centers may very well be, yes.What makes an Embry Riddle Tutoring Center different from other centers in the United States? It is not as if all centers are the same. The difference lies with the way the individuals teach their students. The quality of the education differs, but the organization is different in every way.The people who work at the Embry Riddle Tutoring Center are passionate about the subject they teach. They love being able to help people reach their full potential. They are dedicated to your success and eager to help you find that answer that you want to find for your problems.No matter what the subject, you will most likely get a specific answer that you know will sure help you. You are not just searchi ng for a 'one size fits all' answer, and neither is the person you are looking for. The individual that you are working with is going to have to use the information that you find to help him or her solve the problem that you have. So they will get the exact answers that you want and they will give them to you.When the individual is giving you the answer, you can rest assured that they are giving it because they know that you will follow their advice. They are not simply giving it out to get you to pay for their service. They are doing it for you. And this is why it is a good idea to choose a facility that offers you the benefits that come along with hiring them.An answering service is a good way to make sure that you get the answers you need without paying for a private tutor. It gives you the individualized assistance that you deserve and that you can trust. When you hire an answering service, you will not have to worry about the tutors who are working for other individuals.This is a service that you would be interested in learning more about. Why wait until you are in the middle of the problems before you are ready to solve them? These services will help you achieve your goal of finding the best answers for your problems. You will know that you made the right decision when you have a personal tutoring program that fits your needs.

Advantages of an Organic Chemistry Tutor in School

Advantages of an Organic Chemistry Tutor in SchoolWhat are the advantages of an organic chemistry tutor in school? One of the most crucial factors which is fundamental to a good education, is the ability to learn and practice at the same time. This is very much dependent on the quality of the teacher that the student has to depend on.Is it possible to save money on a tutor? Yes, it is possible to avail a comprehensive price comparison for a tutor as there are several online tutors websites available on the internet. These websites offer the best rate as they do not need any teaching staff and they have their own apparatus, equipment and books for their services. There are different advantages and disadvantages associated with each.If you choose an online tutor, you will save a lot of money as they do not need a teacher to attend to your needs and other costs like a room for teaching purpose. They are hired for all the learning tasks and also take care of the supplies that you need. T hey can be easily compared with other online teachers and they will surely give you an efficient and effective education.Online tutors are not liable to attend to your every request and also they do not have to be present at your place. For many students the flexibility is the most significant advantage, as the learning process and the learning resource never overlaps and can be scheduled according to your requirements. There are many institutions where an online tutor is required and if you don't have the time to visit the office every day, there are more efficient ways for your convenience. You can log in through the internet and at the same time, can select the tutors from a list that you have got.A good organic chemistry tutor has his/her own research tools, laboratory and equipment. He/she can practice with students and practice with their hands and also even help in the selection of labs or tasks.The quality of the teaching is also very important and online tutors provide this facility. You can study whatever subject you want from the comfort of your home. There are a number of different subjects like chemistry, physics, chemistry, mathematics, physics, biology and even life sciences which are included in this series. If you want to pursue a science-related course, you can easily find good organic chemistry tutor who is well qualified in these subjects.The only problem that you may encounter in this option is that you might not find the perfect tutor according to your needs. The application process is also quite complicated and so you need to be extra careful while selecting the right instructor. Check out the content of his curriculum, experience and the facility that he provides to students. Go through his certificates of reputation before hiring him.

Polysaccharide Examples Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace

Polysaccharide Examples Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace Polysaccharides - Polysaccharides are much larger, formed by the linkage of hundreds of monosaccharide unit. Polysaccharides are classified as homopolysaccharides and heteropolysaccharides. omopolysaccharides are composed of normal monosaccharide molecules of a single type. Heteropolysaccharides are composed of modified monosaccharide molecules of different type. Food storage polysaccharides: Those polysaccharides which are used as reserve food materials. At the time of need food storage polysaccharides are hydrolyzed and the sugars are released which become readily available to the living cells for the production of energy and biosynthetic activities. Starch: It is a complex homopolysaccharide being formed of alpha glycoside chain and yields only glucose on hydrolysis. It is formed by the condensation of amylose and amylopectin. Glycogen: It Is also a complex homopolysaccharide and is the main carbohydrate storage material in animals especially in mammals and fungi. It is formed of molecules amylopectin but with more numerous side chains. It is a nonreducing substance and gives red colour with iodine. Structural polysaccharide: It takes part in the formation of structural frame work of the cell wall and skeleton of animals. The important structural polysaccharides are cellulose, chitin and lignin. Cellulose: It is a homopolysaccharide which is found in the call wall of plants and in the external coverings of all grains. It contains long chains of beta glycosides and may contain thousands of monosaccharide units in a single molecule. Cellulose is absolutely insoluble in water and resistant to the action of dilute acids and alakalies. Chitin is an extracellular structural polysaccharide found in the cell walls of fungal hyphae and the exoskeleton of arthropods. It is insoluble in water.

Bonne Fête des Mères! French Vocabulary for Mothers Day

Bonne Fête des Mères! French Vocabulary for Mothers Day Sign up successful You might also want to celebrate your grandmother, or grand-mère,  when  la  fête des mères  comes around. If you want to be less formal, you can address your grandma as grand-maman, gra-mère, or even  mémé or  mamé.  If you have a stepmother, you can celebrate her as well on Mothers Day. In French, you call your stepmother, ma  belle-mère. French Gifts for Mom Just like in America, French moms love to start their special day with le  petit déjeuner au lit, or breakfast in bed. You should also be sure to get a nice present, or un cadeau, for maman. Some popular gifts for maman include les fleurs (flowers), un collier (necklace), le chocolat (chocolate), les livres (books), and le parfum (perfume). Often, young children in France will make craft projects at school to bring to maman for  la fête des mères.   Finally, you cant go wrong with a handmade  carte de vÅ"ux, or greeting card, with a heartfelt message of love and gratitude for your mom. Dont forget to write, je taime, which means, I love you. In French families, it is traditional to present maman with a cake resembling a bouquet of flowers and to prepare a lovely diner for her and the whole family. French Translation Practice for Mothers Day Now that youve studied a little bit of French vocabulary for Mothers Day, see if you can translate this paragraph from French Etc.: La fête des mères est fêtée une fois par an, le dernier dimanche de mai ou le premier dimanche de juin â€" ce n’est pas à la même date dans tous les pays â€" par tous les enfants des écoles. Dans toutes les classes, les travaux manuels vont bon train. On travaille secrètement ; qui, au collier de nouilles ; qui, au livre de recettes écrit à la main. Le matin du Jour J., on récite un compliment et on offre son cadeau fait amoureusement. Les plus grands lui offrent un plus grand cadeau, bien sûr. Et toute la journée, la maman est la reine. On lui fait tout, on la chouchoute, on la cajole, on lui prépare le dîner, etc. (You can check your work here, or find a French tutor to help you continue your studies.) Will you be celebrating Mothers Day with the French this year? What are your family traditions? Share them with us in the comments below! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

The Best Places to Learn Geography in Birmingham

The Best Places to Learn Geography in Birmingham Living in Birmingham and Fancy Studying Geography? Here are the Best Courses on Offer. ChaptersLearning Geography at a Distance with The Open UniversityBirmingham’s Best Private Geography Tutors through SuperprofGeography Revision at MPWGeography Degrees at Birmingham and Aston UniversitiesGeography Teasers with the University of BirminghamAll Ages and Abilities can Study Geography at Birmingham CollegesStudying Geography Online in BirminghamConclusionBirmingham is often used as a case study in geography classes across the UK. It’s a post-industrial city with rich ethnic diversity but also areas of deprivation â€" and the strategies in urban planning that the authorities have used to regenerate the city is of interest to geographers around the world.However, if you are from Birmingham, you probably don’t need a geographer to tell you this! You probably already know about the urban developments and their environmental impact. You may already know the physical geography of your city. Maybe you have even taken an interest in the ecological aspects of your city and i ts natural environment.But you might, though, want to see where you can find good geography courses in your home town â€" and that’s where we can help! So, if you are looking for undergraduate or postgraduate degrees in Birmingham, or if you are looking for help with your GCSE or A Level coursework or examination, or if you are someone hoping to boost their employability and learn new skills, you’ll find out how to do all of these below.Birmingham is a geographical case study of urban regeneration. SerenaGeography Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoelGeography Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChloeGeography Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MatthewGeography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidGeography Teacher 5.00 (10) £32/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConnieGeography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LaurieGeography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all ou r tutors SamGeography Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsLearning Geography at a Distance with The Open UniversityThese days, many people might find it a bit of a chore to conduct full-time, scheduled learning at university: if you have other commitments, you might struggle to get to a particular lecture or seminar, or to prioritise an academic deadline over another.With the Open University, you can generally avoid all this. The Open University is the UK’s pioneering expert in distance learning, and it offers higher education, degree-level, and postgraduate qualifications for which you can study in your home wherever it might be across the country. The coursework, the dissertation, the exams are all still there â€" you just get to do it from wherever you want.The Open University offers honours degrees in Geography and Environmental Science, Social Sciences, and Environmental Studies, and a diploma in Environmental Management and Technology â€" and these are all c onsidered with the degree of excellence that you would expect from any higher education institution.If you are just interested in the analytical and theoretical issues in our world then, or if you are seeking to enhance your employability or push your personal boundaries, the Open University’s courses are well worth investigating.Read more about The Open University in our articles on geography opportunities in London and learning options in Glasgow!Birmingham’s Best Private Geography Tutors through SuperprofSuperprof has over two thousand geography tutors in the UK and fourteen of those are in Birmingham, charging an average of £15 an hour.Whilst a lot of the options listed here are based in the classroom, Superprof’s tutors provide quality, flexible teaching in your home. Rather than falling behind your classmates, or indeed being held back by them, use Superprof to find a qualified geography teacher â€" a graduate or undergraduate student or a researcher â€" who can suit th eir teaching to your educational needs.With so many styles of learning and teaching, the diversity of Superprof’s professionals ensures that you will find the tutor that is right for you. It is easy, convenient, and can be entirely based around your personal schedule. With Superprof, you can learn the fundamentals of geography from the experts.A good geography class gives you access to knowledge of the world.Geography Revision at MPWAs we saw in the piece on the best places to study geography in London, the independent secondary school, Mander Portman Woodward (MPW), provides public revision classes for A Level and GCSE subjects including geography.Based a short walk from Five Ways Station, MPW’s revision courses take place over Easter. They offer revision sessions in geography for all examination boards â€" often taught by examiners â€" and will ensure that you get the best results possible for progression to university and beyond. When applying, make sure you submit the detail s of your exam board and modules.As an independent school, MPW provides mainstream GCSE and A Level education too, and is popular for pupils seeking retakes or those who have transferred from different schools. SerenaGeography Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoelGeography Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChloeGeography Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MatthewGeography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidGeography Teacher 5.00 (10) £32/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConnieGeography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LaurieGeography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamGeography Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsGeography Degrees at Birmingham and Aston UniversitiesLike any big city in the UK, Birmingham has a number of universities offering academic courses in any subject you could possibly desire. Alongside the University of Bir mingham there is Aston University, Birmingham City University, and Newman University. The University of Birmingham and Aston both offer courses in geography, with the former excelling in the field.The University of Birmingham offers undergrad courses in Geography, Earth Sciences, Environmental Science, and Urban and Regional Planning. All of these will have specific requirements for admission, so check before you apply. For postgrads, courses get a little more niche, as ever: there are Master’s courses in Human Geography, in River Environments, and in Hydrogeology â€" just to name a few. There is a PhD programme too.With the city, as we know, offering a case study in urban geography, Birmingham is a great place to pursue academic ambitions and postgraduate research.Geography Teasers with the University of BirminghamThe really great thing about the University of Birmingham is that you don’t have to be a student, nor even an adult, to engage with the geographical expertise that th e institution offers.For GCSE students and those approaching A Levels, the university runs a series of outreach programmes throughout the academic year. They hold dedicated ‘Geography Days’, in which pupils can attend lectures, workshops, and classes on a variety of different subjects â€" from earth sciences to geology.So, if you are not sure whether geography is for you, or if you just want to see what the University is like, sign up to one of the events and learn from people who know best â€" the geographers themselves! You can also enter a geography photography competition. All of this is intended to inspire excitement in young geographers, so get involved!Try your own hand at geography photography with the University of Birmingham!All Ages and Abilities can Study Geography at Birmingham CollegesFurther education institutions across the country offer opportunities for people of all ages and levels to learn about and take qualifications in geography â€" for those bored of scho ol and looking to take A Levels elsewhere and for those adult learners returning to studying. Here are some of the best in Birmingham.BMETBMET, or the Birmingham Metropolitan College, has campuses all over the city, and it offers a range of different courses for the whole range of learner demographics. The College offers a Geography A Level which focuses on various geographical concepts, approaches, landforms, and fieldwork methods. The Social Science Access to Higher Education qualification also involves material on geography, sociology, and other broad interdisciplinary projects â€" and it will prepare those with few qualifications or those who have been outside of education to advance to university-level geography courses.South and City CollegeBirmingham’s South and City College has recently merged with the city’s Bournville College, and now provides a greater spread of A Levels, BTECs, and apprenticeships than it once did. Added to the list is the A Level in Geography, which is taught in the Bournville campus.Studying Geography Online in BirminghamIf none of these sound like your kind of thing, there are various courses available online for people looking to study A Levels, international GCSEs, and e-Learning Certificates through organisations like LearnNow, the National Extension College, and the UK Open College. The online A Levels work like any other A Level qualification, whilst the iGCSEs are intended for international students.The content you will cover is broadly similar to that which you would expect elsewhere, but you will have the flexibility and freedom to study at the pace you require. If you don’t have these qualifications but are hoping to access university, this might be a wonderful way to do it.All of these are options even if you want to take a course in geography from Manchester or anywhere else in the country!ConclusionThis just about covers it! We hope that you can find what you are looking for in your geographical learning journe y, and Birmingham is a great place to start. Studying geography at school and beyond can open up a brilliant future for you â€" so make the most of it!For a taster of what other options are available across the country, check out our piece on the geography classes available in Leeds.

Are You Looking for Math Help to Reach Your Expected Grade, Go for Online Tutoring

Are You Looking for Math Help to Reach Your Expected Grade, Go for Online Tutoring 0SHARESShare Is Math your  favorite  subject or your most unloved topic in school? Tutor Pace, a USA based dependable and affordable Online Tutoring website provides plenty of online math help, math fun and other useful resources for you! Quiz sessions, instant homework help make learning Math interesting.  Online tutors are highly skilled and professionally trained. They ensure that you enjoy the subject and don’t get panic. Interactive and informative sessions help you to improve your grades. These tutors are easily accessible from the comfort of home. Parents can depend on our tutoring website to facilitate their kids, to enjoy, appreciate and learn numbers, counting, arithmetic, fractions, computation, trigonometry, geometry, and even algebra. Math videos, dynamic online worksheets help you to understand the concepts better. This is a 24*7 service that provides one-on-one tutoring to students from k-12. [starbox id=admin]